Yeah, once again, I am going to engage in that silly business when I pretend that my blog is a “respectable media outlet” and, as such, to give myself the proper credibility and gravitas I have to copy Time magazine and others and chose a “man of the year”. This year, however, this truly was a no-brainer. The 2016 “man of the year” is, of course, the American “basket of deplorables“.
No, not Trump. Trump might well be Time’s man of the year, but as far as I am concerned, this man is just a promise, and he will remain that to me until he delivers on what he has promised the American voter. No, the real heroes of our story today are, of course, the millions who dared defy the Empire and who voted for Trump.
The American voter who inflicted the worst bitch-slap to the US propaganda machine (aka “the mainstream media”) ever. What happened in this election is nothing short of the biggest defeat in the history of propaganda.
As an ex Cold Warrior who studied the Soviet media for a living, I can say that the US media nowadays is infinitely worse in its willingness to not only lie, but condescendingly deny the obvious, show a total lack of conscience or even basic decency. US presstitutes give prostitution a bad name.
The American voter was subjected to the most intensive (and, probably, expensive) propaganda barrage in history. Keep in mind that in overtly dictatorial regimes most adults realize that they are being lied to. In the USA, every American is brainwashed from birth to believe that the US press is the best and freest in the world and that the US democracy is also the best and freest in the world. To vote for Trump, the US voter had to go against every single sacred dogma the US Empire has tried so hard to indoctrinate its subject in. This is far harder than one would think. Those interested in this topic can consult this article on the Asch conformity experiments or Milgram’s famous experiment on obedience and authority.
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This is what the Empire has done to America |
Furthermore, the psychological pressure was so intense that I can testify to the fact that many American were actually *afraid* of admitting that they would vote for Trump. The atmosphere of rabid hatred against Trump and total intolerance and demonization of his supporters was such, that many Americans decided to hide their preference for Trump. Some even pretended that they would vote for Hillary. I know people who even lied to their own family members.
And, predictably, in the typical Neocon-style, as soon as it became clear that Trump would be elected, the US presstitutes began pouring out their hatred on the American people. If in Britain only the old people could vote for the Brexit, in the USA all the Trump voters were described as poorly educated racists (“racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” to quote Hillary). I don’t recall ever seeing such an outpouring of hatred towards an entire nation (except, maybe, the typical hatred the Russian liberals have for the “common” Russian people).
But, apparently, the American people have had too much lies told to them. From the pseudo-patriotic ramblings of Dubya to the endless list of promises betrayed by Obama – the “common” folks whom Hillary referred to as the “basket deplorables” finally fought back the only way they could – they voted not only for Trump and against Hillary, but also against the regime, the polity, the power structure and the 1%ers who control it.
The main consequence of this vote will probably not be an amazing Trump presidency (I have the greatest reservations about the man and his entourage) but the fact that yet again the very legitimacy of the US political system has been discredited.
Think about it: thanks to the “Occupy Wall Street” movement it has become mainstream public knowledge that the USA are run by about 1% of its population (in reality it is far less than 1%, but nevermind that). So far from being a regime “of the people, for the people and by the people” we know all know that it is a regime “of the 1%ers, for the 1%ers and by the 1%ers”. Strike one. With the Trump election, we know also see that the USA is run by a bizarre cocktail of minorities who only have one thing in common: their hatred of the majority. Strike two. And, last but not least, it is now also clear that the US media is the most obnoxious, immoral and arrogant propaganda machine in world history. Strike three.
Where does this leave the Empire? As a joke or as an abomination. Probably a mix of both.
How about the USA themselves? They are clearly an occupied country, occupied not by an external invading force, but by an internal enemy who subjugated the USA to its own alien agenda and worldview.
As for the American people, at least the “basket of deplorables” they are now the objective allies of all the other nations on the planet who struggle to free themselves from the yoke of the AngloZionist Empire.
By voting against the Empire the American people have sent a powerful message to the rest of the world “not in my name”. In Russia, this message was received with outright enthusiasm by the people even if experts were mostly much more cautious. I have always said that there the “other West”, the West of the regular people who do not support what their rulers do, but who are unable to meaningfully oppose it. The vote against Hillary showed the world that the American people don’t want an Empire, all they want is make *America* (i.e. the USA, as opposed to world Empire) great again.
Oh, I know, I already see the trend in Trump nominations. And yes, believe me, I am extremely skeptical about all this. But none of that healthy skepticism makes any difference to the fact that the vote against Hillary and the AngloZionist 1% rulers of the USA was a seminal, beautiful, liberating and heroic moment in for not just the USA, but for the rest of the planet too (with Hillary, we were all heading for a nuclear war with Russia).
The way the American “basket of deplorables” defied their oppressors was nothing short of beautiful. And this is why the American “basket of deplorables” is my “man” of the year 2016.
The Saker
PS: for all those who will get upset at my use of the word “American”, I have just added the following paragraph to my “terminology” page:
Addendum: American. I guess I should also explain why I do use the word “American” when the correct word would be “USAn” or “United Statesian” or something equally ugly. Well, precisely: these are ugly. Alas, there is no equivalent in English to the Spanish “Estadounidense“. The same thing for Russian which also lacks such a word and uses “Amerikanets/Amerikanskii” instead. Okay, I know. the USA is a small subsection of the Americas and Americans are obnoxious (and ignorant) for calling themselves “Americans”. But, in truth, “USAns” are “Americans” since they live in the Americas, it’s just the implied exclusion of the others from that category which is so irritating. So, anyway, I apologize for this surrender to modern-speak but I just don’t have the courage to fight this losing battle and, frankly, I have bigger fish to fry. But yeah – I am therefore guilty as charged :-)