The average human brain contains 100 billion neurons. To put that in perspective, each neuron is 10 microns long – put end to end the neurons in a single human brain would stretch about 600 miles.
When you get blackout drunk and awake the next day, you often have no recollection of any of your exploits. This is because you’ve forgotten, it is because your brain is incapable of making memories when you become extremely intoxicated.
Earlier this year, the world’s fourth fastest supercomputer was tested for its capacity to process information. It took the computer forty minutes to simulate a single second of brain activity.
Whenever you forget something, you shouldn’t ever worry that something is wrong. It is a good thing for the brain to delete information, helping the nervous system retain its plasticity.
Science has proven that an orgasm is one of the greatest natural highs a person can experience. Brain scans of the event show that the brain releases so much dopamine during the process that it looks almost exactly like a brain on heroin.
The brain of a baby uses up to 50% of the body’s glucose supply. This is why babies and young children need so much sleep.
Ever wondered what your brain feels like to the touch? If you’ve ever eaten or felt tofu, then you know exactly what your brain feels like.
Of the combined genetic material you receive from your parents, about half of that determines the complex design of your brain. The other 98% of your body and its organization is determined by the other half of your genes.
We call it “grey matter,” but what is the brain really made of? Well, you may be surprised to know that 60% of it is actually fat. As such, when people attempt extreme dieting the need for fat is so great that the body starts to consume the brain.
We may get bigger as we grow, but that doesn’t mean we don’t lose things on the way to adulthood too. You will never have as many brain cells as you do as a newborn baby.
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