Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ebo Riru: Why you must not Add Palm oil (Epo pupa) for Pregnant Woman

Ebo Riru!

You need all the necessary materials for the Ebo according to the Odu Ifa you are about to perform the ebo.


You will also need Palm-Oil, gin, ìsébì(either cowries, kola or bitter-cola), water.


If the person you want to do perform Ebo for is pregnant, please do not add palm oil(Epo pupa) to the Ebo at all.

Aború àboyé!!!

Photo credit: Ifakunle.

You must not Add Epo pupa because she’s pregnant. The Epo will represent Blood and you must prevent that because you don’t want bloodto be too much. What you need to put more in the Ebo is water because water is good.

~The World of Ifa

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