Can more readers send in photos and tell their stories so we can share here? The more these cases are brought to light, the better our chances of getting the police to pay more attention and do something about it. Another reader shares her story after the jump...

Unbelievable and like a movie to me I was attacked yesterday at oshodi before the LASTMA office by after 7pm, I just passed the Total filling station on the right when suddenly a guy came up to my car and was telling me to wind down. Well of course I didn't and the next thing the glass of the door was broken. My phone and money was taken from me, I was left in shock and later started shouting for help but instead the people in the cars and buses around were telling me to calm down. I was terrified Linda. Please Linda use this recognition you have earned to help advocate for security on Lagos roads especially in the mornings when people are going to work and evenings when they are returning back from work. This social problem has become a daily thing and like a norm. I trying hard to get the pictures of this sad incident away from my mind.

Unbelievable and like a movie to me I was attacked yesterday at oshodi before the LASTMA office by after 7pm, I just passed the Total filling station on the right when suddenly a guy came up to my car and was telling me to wind down. Well of course I didn't and the next thing the glass of the door was broken. My phone and money was taken from me, I was left in shock and later started shouting for help but instead the people in the cars and buses around were telling me to calm down. I was terrified Linda. Please Linda use this recognition you have earned to help advocate for security on Lagos roads especially in the mornings when people are going to work and evenings when they are returning back from work. This social problem has become a daily thing and like a norm. I trying hard to get the pictures of this sad incident away from my mind.

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