Sunday, November 20, 2016

President Trump and other geo-political oddities, by Scott Humor

Donald Trump has won the presidential election despite polls that indicating that Hillary Clinton was favored. One popular explanation for this is that some people were too afraid to admit to pollsters that they supported Trump — what’s being called the “shy Trump” phenomenon. A review of the evidence, however, suggests that probably isn’t why the polls got Trump wrong.
Shy Trump voters started to come out of the woodwork during the course of the election,” said Matthew Oczkowski, director of product for Cambridge Analytica.

Special Report: Hezbollah’s Mechanized Battalion in Syria

Shock! Hezbollah Now has a Full Mechanized Battalion in Syria
Marko Marjanovic
Marko Marjanovic
by Marko Marjanović (deputy editor and writer for Russia Insider. He has contributed to The Voluntaryist ReaderThe Libertarian Liquidationist and published the Crappy Town blog. Check out his new project, Checkpoint Asia.)

World’s most powerful non-state military is no longer an infantry force only
On November 11th Hezbollah held a military parade in al-Qusayr — a Syrian town that is just across the border from the largely Shia northern Bekaa Valley and that was the scene of Hezbollah’s first major battle in the Syria, and its first major success.

Will Donald Trump be the United States’ last elected president?

by Ernst Wolff

During his election campaign, Donald Trump presented himself as the champion of America’s blue collar workers. He promised to ‘bring jobs back home’, create millions of well-paid new jobs, and raise the standard of living of the middle and the working class. He called himself an ‘enemy of the corrupt establishment’ and vowed to ‘dry the swamp in Washington’.