Showing posts with label Nana Kwame” from Ghana speaks out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nana Kwame” from Ghana speaks out. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

“Ebola is a Big Lie” --- “Nana Kwame” from Ghana speaks out – and a new False Flag of horror dimensions in the making

Note: I am submitting the following article to your attention "for your information".  While I personally do not have the knowledge to have an opinion about this topic, I think that leaving the MSM a monopoly of information on Ebloa is dangerous.  As always, your comments are invited.

by Peter Koenig 

"Ebola is a big lie" - according to a man called “Nana Kwame” – most likely a pseudonym – living in Ghana, Ebola was brought to West Africa, to 4 countries for 4 specific reasons by - no one less than The Red Cross. This article is rocketing the internet for the last couple of days, for example in “Spirit Science and Metaphysics” - and was translated into Spanish and published by the Peruvian newspaper LaPrimera, a paper that regularly seeks to dissect the truth from the flood of lies emitted by the Peruvian MSM.