Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What will I be doing here? – Chief Bode George

Taking after the rise of Gen Buhari as the new President of Nigeria, previous Deputy National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Chief Bode George says he may be going on outcast.

“What will I be doing here? I can decide to go and live anywhere. Look at everyone surrounding him (Buhari). So, I am not joking about it, what will I be doing here? At 70, what will I be doing here? All we have been doing to restructure the country has been lost. We have been trying to ensure balance in the polity but all that has gone. What else will I be doing here?” he told Vanguard

The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, MEND congratulates Buhari

The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, MEND, has conveyed a complimentary message to President-elect, Gen Buhari.

In an announcement signed by the gatherings representative, Jomo Gbomo, MEND said the crisis of Buhari would help Nigeria recapture her peace and solidarity.

“The Nigerian people have spoken and elected General Mohammadu Buhari to be the next President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. In doing so, we have not only made the right choice of a new leadership, we have also reaffirmed the strength of our democracy. President-elect, General Buhari’s message of hope, freedom and opportunity resonates with our group, as it does with the Nigerian people. In these difficult times, with the economic crisis and security challenges, we are confident that under your leadership, Nigeria will once again regain its peace and unity” the statement read

Video: Watch President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan's concession speech

President Jonathan says no one’s desire is justified regardless of the blood of any Nigerian.

He truly is the legend in this. He guaranteed that Nigerians had the flexibility to picked who they needed as their leader.

Asari Dokubo denies tweet claiming he is friends with any government in power

Former Niger Delta militant Asari Dokubo has denied a tweet being circulated where he purportedly said that he is a friend of any government in power. That is not his real twitter handle.

What he wrote on Facebook above and the controversial tweet bellow.

Photos: Youths in Borno carry coffin of PDP

Young people in Borno state were seen toward the beginning of today conveying a counterfeit PDP Coffin.

They moved ahead to the Gwange Cemetery where they said they plan to cover the counterfeit coffin.

See another pic bellow.

As they continued to the cemetery, they were droning R.I.P PDP IN NIGERIA. R.I.P PDP IN BORNO. R.I.P MAI MALAFA. R.I.P TO SAS. R.I.P TO IMAM. R.I.P GAMBO LAWAN.

PDP vows to challenge Buhari’s ‎victory at tribunal

The Peoples Democratic Party has said it will challenge the outcome of the March 28 presidential election.  The Independent National Electoral Commission, through its Chairman and Chief Returning Officer, Prof. Attahiru Jega, on Wednesday morning, declared Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari(retd.)‎ of the All Progressives Congress as the winner of the election.

The PDP through its agent at the National Collation Centre in Abuja on Wednesday, when the final result was declared, had refused to sign the result sheet despite its candidate, President Goodluck Jonathan, having earlier conceded defeat.

‎The agent of the PDP, Bello Fadile, who was in attendance when parties were being called upon to sign the result sheet, told journalists shortly after the result was declared that the party was not satisfied with the outcome of the election and had decided to challenge it at the election tribunal.

“Whether I sign it (the result sheet) or I don’t sign it, does not make any difference. It doesn’t invalidate the result‎. When we go to court, then we can challenge the result,” Fadile said.

When asked to confirm if the PDP will challenge the result at the presidential election petitions tribunal, Fadile added, “Sure! The party petitioned. Don’t forget. So the party will follow through the petition. There are rules for this. The law is there.

“The result was declared on the 1st of April, I think. We will follow the due process. Like the president (Jonathan) said, ‘If you have any grievances, follow due process and the due process in this instance is to go to the tribunal.”

Open Letter To President-Elect Muhammadu Buhari

Your Excellency Sir: Let me quickly jump in front of the oncoming bandwagon in offering my congratulations. I know you do not have too much time for niceties because much has been left on the Augean Stables for you to clean up.

Let me be one of the first to offer my two kobo on how you should begin the art (for, in Nigeria, it is indeed an art) of governing us for the next four years. My advice is neither in chronological order nor even in any order of preference. But most of it stems from lessons learned in the huge fall from grace to grass of your immediate predecessor, Mr. Goodluck Jonathan.

(Declaration of Assets) Even before your official swearing in ceremony scheduled for May 29th, go ahead and declare your assets as you promised. Do it publicly. In fact, find some money and buy space in a few national dailies and online media outlets and declare your assets. I am sure your Vice, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, will follow suit. Nigerians know both of you are not stupendously rich, so no need to worry about having to explain how you came about your assets. Then go ahead and make it (in private, of course) a requirement for all your ministerial, judicial and heads of MDA appointees, to also declare their assets.

(Appointments) Please look beyond the APC for a combination of brains and brawn. Make deliberate efforts to find talents in other parties (believe it or not, there are good people even in the PDP) and appoint them to, not just inconsequential positions, but key positions that will task their intellect and vigor. Look beyond active politicians for skilled people because many of them want to serve and can serve very well but for myriad reasons, could not participate in politics. Spread your appointments across the nation as fairly as possible. I know the southwest practically elected you (the north had always been with you) and you will be pulled by those of us from the southwest to reward us and not marginalize us like Jonathan did. But you are president for the whole country. Beam your searchlight on the east, south-south and all over the country and look for talents. If you try hard, you will find talents in the states that voted against you. You will find talents among Nigerians living abroad. You have to demonstrate the level of maturity that Jonathan lacked and show the world that you are not vindictive. How nice would it be if you could ask Nuhu Ribadu to be Minister of Interior, in charge of the Police, Immigrations, Prisons, Civil Defense and Customs? These are parastatals that have become cesspools of corruption and need someone of Ribadu’s incorruptibility, energy, patriotism and attention-to-detail to lead. How about Raji Fashola for Ministry of Works or Ministry of Justice? You get my drift?

(Corruption) Nigerians trust you and to some degree, trust Osinbajo. But that is not the same and will, of course, not be the same for your appointees. You cannot single-handedly eradicate corruption in Nigeria. In fact, no one can eradicate corruption from any country. You can only do your best to reduce it to the bare minimum. To this end, you must return transparency and independence to the EFCC and ICPC. Once nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate to serve for a specified term, the chairpersons of both organizations should only be removable by (a simple majority) legislative impeachment. This removes the EFCC from Executive control and allows every political party to have a say in how it does its job. Please ask your political appointees to sign an undated Resignation Letter before you appoint them. This will serve you well in the future if they misbehave and you need to sack them. All you would need to do is put a date on their Resignation Letter and ACCEPT their resignation. This letter serves to keep them on their toes. I have heard other members of your party (and specifically Prof. Osinbajo) promise to not go after those who have perpetrated corruption before your election. I hope that is not true. Nigerians expect you to go after those who stole the future of their children. No, you should not allow this to consume you and detract from more important things. Nonetheless, we cannot afford to let them go scot-free. They must pay, if only to serve as deterrence to future thieves.

(Judiciary) You must overhaul the judiciary as a matter of urgency. The process of litigation in Nigeria is too long, too tedious, too expensive and too prone to abuse that justice is often delayed and thus often denied.  Please embark on the construction of more courtrooms, upgrade the infrastructures of the existing ones, improve the welfare of judiciary workers and build more prisons to house those convicted in your new, expedited process.

(Federal Budget) This is too fat. You have to demonstrate to Nigerians that you are going to live by example. All those billions of naira usually allocated for food in Aso Rock need to be drastically cut down. Everybody working in or visiting Aso Rock is already being paid handsomely. They can pay for their own food. Make the cafeteria in Aso Rock a pay-for-your-own-food establishment for everybody. Cut down on the number of people traveling out of town and out of country who collect estacodes and allowances for doing practically nothing on such trips. Then invite the Senate leader and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and ask them to lead their respective legislatures in taking drastic cuts both in salaries and in other emoluments. Nigerians find it unconscionable that a Senator earns more than the President of the United States. Your predecessor was too compromised to have the moral authority to ask the legislators to take a pay cut. You do not have such a problem. They – the legislators – are looking for motivation, direction and purpose. You must provide that leadership.

(NNPC) I don’t need to tell you that this is the nation’s jugular. Fortunately, you are probably the most knowledgeable about this sector out of all who have governed Nigeria. So, there is very little anybody can tell you about this that you do not already know. You must appoint persons of absolutely unquestionable character to head this Ministry and the various parastatals that support our oil industry. Your Minister of Petroleum must believe in refining our oil within our country. And so that person must commence the construction of new refineries and the repair of old ones. If you have to borrow money to do anything, this is one sector you must get going almost right away. By the time your party comes to ask for our votes in 2019, we must be paying far less at the pumps than we are currently paying and exporting finished oil products to neighboring countries.

(Transportation) I take you at your word that you will revive the moribund Nigeria Airways by first deploying most of the aircraft in the currently bloated Presidential fleet to the national carrier. It has been a national embarrassment that the Giant of Africa has been unable to manage its airline. Remember that what killed Nigeria Airways was corruption (from ticketing fraud to spare parts fraud and) general poor maintenance record. Your new Nigeria Airways must be peopled with crack professionals and technicians – people who take aviation safety and customer service seriously. On the railways, you will agree with me that the situation whereby people and merchandises heading from Abuja to Ondo, Ile-Ife, Sokoto, Ado Ekiti, Birnin Kebbi, Akure, Benin City, Ogbomosho, Oyo, Jalingo, Yola, Damaturu, Dutse, Calabar, and many more key towns cannot even contemplate taking the train. Train tracks do not pass through these places! And the tracks we have are single tracks that force trains to wait for each other for hours at trains stations. These were the tracks betrothed to us by the colonial masters and we are yet to improve on them. Please start building new tracks and get rid of those archaic, used locomotives with which your predecessor “transformed” us back to the Stone Age. Remember, a viable rail system will ease the pressure on our roads as large goods such as petroleum tanks and containers will find it cheaper and faster to use the railways.

(Defense) Like NNPC, this is another sector about which nobody can lecture you. As the Boko Haram quagmire has shown us, there has been gross corruption or negligence or incompetence of all of the foregoing in the Ministry of Defense dating back to before your predecessor. Things just got past him more because he knew next to nothing about this sector and he was too incurious and too afraid to ask questions. Luckily for us, you know what is going on and nobody can accuse you of being too afraid to ask questions. The ranks of our military leadership, the officer corps, has been politicized and bastardized to the point that they have lost credibility with Nigerians. The respect and adulation normally enjoyed by the military has been erased and replaced with scorn and derision. People now see the military as a bunch of willing tools in the hands of politicians; a rag-tag bunch who will scamper off the battlefield with tails tucked between their legs at the sound of Boko Haram’s Hilux trucks. You have to restore the dignity of the Nigerian military. Heads have to roll. In fact, heads that have left the service but responsible for the rot in the military must be recalled and set rolling. You must set up a panel of former military officers, aided by a crack team of accountants, to look into the books of the military and find all the missing trillions – the reason our military lacked weapons and other equipment when called up to defend the country; the reason why thousands of our citizens were easily massacred by terrorists; the reason why we lost parts of our country to a Boko Haram and the reason why our country became the butt of jokes in international military circles. You must reorient the military to the path of professionalism – training for war in peacetime as if they are at war; training them in some of the best countries in the world and with some of the best militaries in the world; equipping them with the most modern war-fighting equipment; taking care of their welfare and that of their family and building for them infrastructures that befit the status we want them to occupy in the world. If you have to reduce the size, please do so. Remember, size is not might. Most advanced nations have moved away from large, slower military to smaller and more mobile, more nimble forces. That is the direction we should be headed. We should be building a smaller but more lethal force.

(Intelligence) There are too many unintelligent personnel parading themselves as intelligence operatives in our country. Like the military, they too have been co-opted into serving the whims and caprices of the government of the day. And they do not know what they are doing. I make this last statement boldly, confident that I know what I am talking about. Our intelligence organizations should complement the efforts of the law enforcement agencies and the military. In fact, they should be integral parts of those organizations and should not, themselves, be exempted from being scrutinized. You need to infuse the DMI, the NSA, the DSS and all the others with well-trained (internationally well-trained) professionals who can teach basic and advance intelligence gathering, packaging and dissemination to the end user. The gun-toting, sunglasses-wearing and suit-decked so-called intelligence personnel are just collecting pay checks. Where, for example, is the Boko Haram leader? Where are the Chibok girls? How are weapons getting inside Nigeria – and I mean heavy weapons? How are fighters getting inside Nigeria and how are they getting re-supplied? You need to overhaul this sector.

(Medical) Please send a bill to the legislature prohibiting all government officials from using government money to fund any aspect of medical care they receive abroad. They can exercise their inalienable right of free movement, but Nigeria should no longer pay for anybody to receive treatment abroad. In the mean time and while the bill snakes through the legislature, use your executive powers to deny requests for overseas medical travels that involve the use of government funds.

Clearly, your biggest challenge is electricity. This is the giant killer that has “killed” those before you. If you fail in everything above and succeed in stabilizing electricity supply, increasing its generation and distributing it effectively, your name will be written in gold. This will task your brain and sap your energy the most. Every sinew of your being must be engaged when you appoint people to solve this very huge problem. With the talents that abound within our country and outside, with the resources at our disposal, you can eradicate our dependence on all sorts of generators. With stable electricity, you won’t need to create too many jobs as Nigerians will create jobs by themselves.

Your Excellency, I know you have a full plate and you are no spring chicken. That is why assembling a team of very qualified and able people from across the country and the Diaspora will make your job easier. All you need to do is provide the motivation, purpose and direction and they will execute. Begin, Sir, by appointing a credible spokesperson who also has a strong background in the media – a true professional. I think Reuben Abati has proved to us that ability to churn out bombast-laden articles does not make an effective spokesperson. You need someone who will command the professional respect of members of his/her journalism constituency as well as be able to articulate your programs and actions without being condescending and patronizing. Sir, please do not appoint someone who will attack your political enemies. That job should go to your party’s spokesperson.

Good luck (not Goodluck) Sir.Abiodun Ladepo

Ibadan, Oyo State.

Drama as PDP declines signing Presidential poll result sheet

The  Peoples Democratic Party on Wednesday  refused to sign the final result sheet for the March 28 presidential election, which it lost to Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari(retd.) of the All Progressives Congress.

This was despite that the PDP presidential candidate, President Goodluck Jonathan, had  conceded defeat earlier before the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission and Chief Returning Officer of the election, Prof. Attahiru Jega, returned Buhari as the President-elect at about 3.44am on Wednesday.

One of the PDP agents, Godsday Orubebe, who had earlier caused a row when the collation exercise continued on Tuesday, had left the National Collation Centre in Abuja before the announcement of the final result by Jega.

The second agent, Bello Fadile,  was present ‎when party agents were being called upon to sign the result sheet.

At about 3.36am when Fadile approached the podium, where Jega was seated, instead of signing the result sheet as other agents invited before him had done, he only spoke few words in hushed tones to the INEC boss, shook hands with him (Jega) and returned to his seat.

Fadile however waited till the end ‎of the event at about 3.53am to receive a copy of the result.

"Jonathan allowed freedom blossom" - Reno Omokri

See more bellow.

former V.P Atiku Abubakar congratulates Gen. Buhari on his victory

The former Vice President wrote a congratulatory message to Buhari which he posted on FB. See it below…

My hearty congratulations to His Excellency, General Muhammadu Buhari, for being elected the next president of our beloved county, Nigeria. You have led our party, the All Progressives Congress to an unprecedented victory within two years of it’s official formation, and in so doing, written the most important chapter of our democracy.

The great Nnamdi Azikiwe once wrote that “history will continue to vindicate the just”. Your victory in the polls, with votes from across the length and breadth of our country, bears witness to the acceptance of not just our party, the APC, but also your ideology of justice, fair play and zero tolerance for corruption as the bedrock for national rebirth.

At this historic moment, it is most important to say a hearty thank you to every Nigerian who voted for the APC. Your votes have not just elected the first opposition party into federal power, but has also set a precedent which will have positive implications for democracy across Africa.

Dear GMB, the journey has just begun. Millions of Nigerians have put their trust in you, because they were not satisfied with the status quo. You represent the hope of a new generation of Nigerians, and you cannot afford to fail them. Our party has made a promise of change to our young people, to secure and rebuild our country, create jobs and opportunity, and improve citizens’ welfare. We will stand behind you to ensure we keep those promises, just like we did during these elections.

Our country needs a new direction. We have voted for you, and our party won the election, but when you assume our highest office, you must become the president of not just the APC, but all of Nigeria, including the people who did not vote for you. We look up to you to heal the fractures of our country, and truly unite this country like never before.

To President Jonathan, I want to specially thank you for conducting a historic election. Your party may have lost the elections, but you have won the admiration of the world by not interfering with the wishes of Nigerians. History will be kind to you.

It is my sincere hope that we will all come together as one country, to build the Nigeria of our dreams.

God bless Nigeria.

Pics: Dangote, Tambuwal, Abdulsalam, others with Buhari in Abuja

Africa’s wealthiest man fly private jet or super fast bust (My guess) reach there shap shap….hahaha. Buhari pictured talking with Gen. Abdulsalam Abubakar. Aliko Dangote, Primate Nicholas Owoh, Tambuwal, Osinbajo, Chris Ngige and others are around Nigeria’s leader elect at their APC office in Abuja last night. More photographs bellow.

!st Official Statement by President Goodluck Jonathan on presidential election 2015

Official statement by president Jonathan after the announcement of the results of presidential election Fellow Nigerians, I thank you all for turning out en-masse for the March 28 General Elections.

I promised the country free and fair elections. I have kept my word. I have also expanded the space for Nigerians to participate in the democratic process. That is one legacy I will like to see endure.

Although some people have expressed mixed feelings about the results announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), I urge those who may feel aggrieved to follow due process based on our constitution and our electoral laws, in seeking redress.

As I have always affirmed, nobody’s ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian. The unity, stability and progress of our dear country is more important than anything else. I congratulate all Nigerians for successfully going through the process of the March 28th General Elections with the commendable enthusiasm and commitment that was demonstrated nationwide. I also commend the Security Services for their role in ensuring that the elections were mostly peaceful and violence-free.

To my colleagues in the PDP, I thank you for your support. Today, the PDP should be celebrating rather than mourning. We have established a legacy of democratic freedom, transparency, economic growth and free and fair elections.

For the past 16 years, we have steered the country away from ethnic and regional politics. We created a Pan-Nigerian political party and brought home to our people the realities of economic development and social transformation.  Through patriotism and diligence, we have built the biggest and most patriotic party in Nigerian history. We must stand together as a party and look to the future with renewed optimism.

I thank all Nigerians once again for the great opportunity I was given to lead this country and assure you that I will continue to do my best at the helm of national affairs until the end of my tenure. I have conveyed my personal best wishes to General Muhammadu Buhari. May God Almighty continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

I thank you all.

Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR


Federal Republic of Nigeria

March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Prof. Attahiru Jega officially declares Buhari winner of the 2015 presidential election

Come May 29, 2015, Nigeria will have another president in the individual of Gen. Mohammed Buhari.

INEC administrator Prof. Jega simply announced him victor of the 2015 presidential race having affirmed the prerequisites of the law and scored the most astounding number of votes in the decision. Well done Nigeria for a quiet 2015 decision. God bless President Jonathan for surrendering. God bless Nigeria!

Elections is not about the no. of celebs behind you- Rukky Sanda, other celebs react

The performer imparted her contemplations on the result of the decision comes about last night. See what Toyin ‘mo le ku fun PDP’ Aimakhu and Ini Edo likewise had to say in regards to it bellow.

NigeriaHasdecided: Buhari wins 2015 presidential elections

As announced by Prof Attahiru Jega, chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission…

“14 candidates, fielded by 14 political parties participated in the election. We’d like to announce the votes for each party”

Acredited voters – 31,756,490

AA – 22, 125

ACPN – 40,311

AP – 30,673

ADC – 29,666

APA – 53,537

APC – 15,424,921

CPP -, 36,300

HOPE – 7,435

KOWA – 13,076

NCP – 24, 455

PDP – 12,853,162

PPN – 24,475

UDP – 9,208

UPP – 18,220

Total valid votes – 28,587,564

Rejected votes – 844, 519

Total – 29,432,083

OBJ congratulates GMB, asks him to fight corruption

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has congratulated the Presidential candidate of the All progressives congress Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd,,) on his victory in the presidential poll, charging him to fight corruption and carry out reforms in different sectors.

The congratulatory message was made available to our correspondent at Abeokuta on Tuesday following Buhari victory in the March 28 presidential election.

Obasanjo, who noted that so much harm had already been done to many national institutions, including the military, however, advised him to be magnanimous in victory.

He said, “With so much harm already done to many national institutions including the military, which proudly nurtured you and me, you will have a lot to do on institution reform – education, healthcare, economy, security, infrastructure, power, youth employment, agri-business, oil and gas, external affairs, cohesiveness of our nation and ridding our land of corruption.

“Your varied and wide experience will undoubtedly stand you in good stead.”

The former president said the country “is blessed with men and women of goodwill, character and virtue across the board that you can mobilise to join hands with you in the reform, repairs and re-direction that will be imperative to put Nigeria back on the fast lane of good governance, unity, cohesiveness, development and progress.”

Obasanjo noted that Buhari’s victory, after three previous unsuccessful attempts, must be a great lesson to himself and for all politicians, particularly in Nigeria.

He said, “For me, the totality of 2015 elections hold many lessons for our democracy and democratisation process, which are both maturing.

“On this occasion, the system has been unnecessarily overheated before and particularly during the campaigns when emphasis was more on trivialities and hate, divisive, undignifying and disrespectful statements and comments rather than on pressing issues requiring attention.

“I know that in victory, you will be magnanimous to start binding the wounds and bitterness occasioned by the campaign and the evil disciples.”

#NigeriaDecides: BORNO STATE - Buhari Wins

Collation in Abuja: BORNO STATE ( 25LGs)

AA:‎‎‎ 145

ACPN: 243

AD ‎‎‎‎‎: 392

ADC: 230

APA:‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ 878

APC: 473,543

CPP: 310

OHP: 88

KOWA: 158

NCP:‎‎ 107


PPN:‎ 143

UDP:‎ 31

UPP: 41

Total registered voters: 1,799,669

Accredited: 544,759

Valid votes: 501,920

Rejected ‎: 13088

Total votes cast: 515,008

Fayemi congratulates Buhari

Former Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, has congratulated the All Progressives Congress Presidential candidate, General Mohammadu Buhari(retd.),  over the party’s victory in the just concluded presidential election, saying the victory signposts a new beginning for Nigeria and Nigerians.

“History has just been made in our dear country,” declared Fayemi, who hailed Buhari’s victory over the incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan as a victory for democracy and the Nigerian citizenry.

Fayemi in a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Olayinka Oyebode, said that going by the outcome of the election, Nigerians had demonstrated to the entire world their ability and readiness to tow the path of greatness and oneness.

He said, “Nigerians have spoken. They have spoken clearly through their votes. They want a new direction and a new approach to governance and the APC government under the able leadership of General Muhammadu Buhari owes them this and more.”

Saying that a successful election is a sine qua non to an enduring democracy and sustainable development, Fayemi said the emergence of the opposition party after 16 years rule by the Peoples’ Democratic Party marks a significant change in the annals of the country’s political history.

He added that the APC, through the victory, was now saddled with the responsibility of making a meaningful change in the lives of the people as promised during the electioneering.

Fayemi, who chaired the APC national convention that produced  Buhari as the party’s candidate, said Nigerians are the actual winners in the keenly contested election having demonstrated rare courage and determination to effect the change they desired.

Kids jubilating on the streets of Ibadan after hearing results of the Presidential election

Here is photo of Children jubilating on the streets of Ibadan after hearing results of the Presidential election on Tuesday.

President Jonathan's first images since after the elections


Earlier today, while the results reeled in, President Goodluck Jonathan met with members of the National Peace Committee for 2015 Elections. On the second picture, they appear fixed to a TV screen.

Wikipedia updates Orubebe’s profile over attempted poll disruption

Godsday Orubebe’s profile on Wikipedia just got updated that he attempted to disrupt 2015 general election result announcement on March 31.

Orubebe, the agent of the Peoples Democratic Party at the announcement of the presidential election in Abuja, had called for the stoppage of the presentation of the results on Tuesday.

Shouting on top of his voice, Orubebe, a former Minister of the Niger Delta Affairs, alleged that INEC Chairman, Prof. Attahiru Jega, had taken side with the All Progressives Congress.

At the venue of the results presentation on Tuesday, the PDP agent shouted, “You sent a committee to Rivers to probe what happened there. We submitted petitions to you about Kano, Jigawa, Katsina but you have not done anything about our complaints. You cannot continue with these results; we will not take it.”

As Jega tried to calm him down, asking to be given a chance to respond, Orubebe shouted, “Mr. Jega, You cannot continue, go to your office. You are partial. We don’t have any confidence in you. We will not allow this. You cannot continue. You must stop the results.”

Buhari’s acceptance speech stage !

GEJ calls, congratulates GMB

President Goodluck Jonathan has congratulated the All Progressives Congress presidential candidate, Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), on his victory in the Saturday’s presidential election.


A top government official told our correspondent that Jonathan had called Buhari on the telephone to congratulate him.

Meanwhile, Jonathan is currently meeting with the leadership of the National Peace Committee for the 2015 general elections, led by a former military leader, Gen. Abdusalami Abdusalami (retd.).

Others at the meeting included the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Nicholas Okoh; Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, Cardinal John Onayeikan; and a former President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Mrs. Priscilla Kuye.

The meeting is ongoing.

Details later…

Workers, security operatives desert PDP head office

The national headquarters of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party wore a mournful look on Tuesday following the defeat of its presidential candidate, President Goodluck Jonathan, by the candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari(retd.)


Signs that the party was not favoured to win the elections had earlier emerged on Monday when most of the employees of the party failed to turn up for duty.

Its Staff Park, located close to the national secretariat at Wuse Zone 5, Abuja, which was usually full of cars by its employees, was devoid of the usual vehicular traffic.

Also, only a handful of the  majority of the security guards, who are made up of policemen, civil defence corps and private guards, were at their duty posts.

On Tuesday, as the results were being announced by the Chairman of the Independent National Commission, Prof. Attahiru Jega, employees of the party gathered to discuss its possible outcome.

“We have squandered our goodwill,” one of the members of the National Working Committee of the party told our correspondent in confidence.

It was however not clear if the party would call an emergency NWC meeting to discuss its defeat by the APC.

Efforts made to speak with the National Publicity Secretary of the party, Chief Olisa Metuh, were unsuccessful. succeed.

We’ll Be Magnanimous In Victory – Amaechi

Gov. Rotimi Amaechi, Director-General of All Progressives Congress’ (APC) Presidential Campaign Organisation, said on Tuesday that the party would be magnanimous in victory when it takes over power on May 29.

Amaechi, who said this at the party’s secretariat in Abuja, noted that the government of Muhammadu Buhari would be all-inclusive. “After the announcement, it will become clearer to the nation that APC has won the election and we will be magnanimous in victory. “We cherish this victory so much but it is not only about celebration, it is about the seriousness of governance and you must see the difference between us the current government.

“If we say there is incompetence, we must show competence; If we say there was corruption, we must show that we will not be corrupt. “If we say that people were denied their basic right, we must protect the right of people. “If we say there was impunity, we must govern by the rule of law and once we show that, you will see the basic difference between us and the current government’’, Amaechi said. He noted that the victory of the party at the presidential election was historic as it was the first time in the history of the country’s democracy that an incumbent federal government would be defeated.

“The victory is historical to me. I will be proud to tell my children that for the first time in the history of Nigeria, the opposition party was able to rout the government and party in power. “We were able to present a different picture of what life looks like which is giving the people the courage to confront the current government on corruption and confront the fact that people were hungry. “This is because they don’t go to the same market as other Nigerians go.

“They have the kind of funds they want and they eat the kind of food they want to eat but Nigerians were dying of hunger. “We want to let Nigerians know that Boko Haram was not about religion alone, there was element of poverty and ignorance’’, he added. Amaechi also said that the incoming government would have to deal with falling standard of education and unemployment in the north and in the south. He added that the Buhari administration would make Nigerians to understand that religion was never an issue in Nigeria. (NAN)