Wednesday, April 1, 2015

President Goodluck Jonathan deserves a Nobel Peace prize - Reno Omokri


Do you agree with Reno  ?

Guardians of the Galaxy: Russia Creates International Space Patrol

Russia’s Ministry of Defense on April 1 established the Aerospace Monitoring Forces (AMF) tasked with providing security to spacecraft and the International Space Station (ISS) and enforcing international rules of space conduct.

© Sputnik/ Alexander Mokletsov

© Sputnik/ Alexander Mokletsov


The military corps, dubbed the Space Patrol by the Russian media, will carry out joint missions in cooperation with similar forces under development in other countries across the globe, including the United States, China and Germany.

The United Nations welcomed Russia’s initiative, adding it could lead to a binding international agreement.The AMF will use an extensive network of satellites and ground stations to track those, who break international law, especially space traffic regulations. The agency will also carry out three month space missions to the International Space Station and fly daily orbital patrols.

Russia’s space patrol will use refurbished Soyuz spacecraft to conduct observation flights, chase abusers of the international space law and even collect space junk, experts at Russia’s Space Research and Intergalactic Standards Center told Sputnik.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense also plans deep-space missions to provide security to the distant regions of outer space, often used for lucrative illegal activity, including alien weapons and drug trafficking, as well as money laundering.


US plans massive military operations inside USA in response to statement from Chechnya Parliament speaker

Next summer, starting from July 15, US forces may launch military exercises in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Utah, Nevada and California.

Jade Helm, a representative of the US Army Command, stated that the drills would come as a response to the recent statement from the Speaker of the Parliament of the Russian Republic of Chechnya, Dukuvakh Abdurakhmanov, who said earlier that Chechnya could start arms shipments to Mexico, should the United States decide ship lethal weapons to Ukraine.


Abdurakhmanov also said that he hoped the weapons would spark disputes over “territories annexed by the United States in the American states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and part of Wyoming,” providing a U.S. history lesson by invoking “the annexation of Texas in 1845, the negotiation of the Oregon Treaty with Great Britain in 1846, and the conclusion of the Mexican-American War in 1848, which ended with the signing and ratification of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848.”

Noteworthy, many US and foreign politicians believe that the above-mentioned drills would be conducted as a cover up to impose martial law in the aforementioned states. However, Lt. Col. of US Armed Forces, Mark Lastoria, stressed that it would be “routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment’s notice.”

Bello El-Rufai & fiancee to wed today

Bello, one of the children of previous FCT Minister and APC Kaduna state gubernatorial applicant, Nasir El-Rufai willl start his voyage to conjugal exctasy with his lady, Regina today April first

Bello declared his wedding plans in February not long from now.

Congratulations to them.

My attacks on Buhari, APC, not personal – Fani Kayode

The spokesperson for President Goodluck Jonathan’s campaign team, Femi Fani-Kayode, on Wednesday stated that all his attacks against the president-elect, Muhammadu Buhari, and his party, the All Progressives Congress, during the electioneering, were what his job required of him and not personal.


He also commended the APC campaign directorate for doing something “they believe in”.

“There was absolutely nothing personal as regards this Directorate or myself. I had nothing personal against anybody. I was simply doing my job for which I have no regrets and I wish them well and I sincerely hope that they will take Nigeria to a level that we can all be proud of,” he said.

Mr. Fani-Kayode also congratulated Mr. Buhari for his victory and also commended President Jonathan for conceding defeat.

“We start by saying that we commend and we congratulate General Muhammadu Buhari for winning this election. We also wish to commend our President, President Goodluck Jonathan, for having the courage to concede that he has lost the election at the earliest moment and also for being able to stand up and rise above party politics and being able to speak like a statesman,” he said.

The former Aviation Minister also prayed for peace in the country and success for Mr. Buhari.

“May God grant each and everyone of us peace. May He watch over our nation. May He guide our President for the next two months whilst he is still in power and thereafter and may He guide and lead the President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari, in the herculean task that lies ahead for him.

“My prayer is that he brings our nation together, heals the wounds and that he builds the bridges in terms of religion, ethnicity and region that he needs to build in order for us to make Nigeria a better place and to ensure that Nigeria becomes a great country that she is destined to be,” he said.

He called on Nigerians to continue to support the PDP, despite losing the election.

He also asked for full cooperation to the incoming administration “and to remember that we are first and foremost Nigerians before anything else”.

Mr. Fani-Kayode said he had no regret for serving Mr. Jonathan and the PDP. He also advised the PDP not to lose hope.

“And having lost, it does not mean that it is the end to the world, it just means that we need to re-group, re-organise ourselves and begin the process all over again because another elections will come in a few years’ time.

“And that is where we are today. We have conceded that we have lost. We acknowledge the fact that we fought a good fight. We do not have any fears about the future. We did the right thing during the campaign. We have no regrets about our candidate or the way in which we conducted our campaign and we will live to fight another day,” he said.

NASA Tests Flying Saucer With Sights Set on Mars in 2020

Thought they were just the stuff of science fiction movies? Not if NASA has anything to say about it. Agency researchers are developing a spacecraft that looks just like a flying saucer, with the hopes of helping a manned mission to Mars one day land softly on the Red Planet.

Mars has a tricky “in-between” environment, according to NASA. Unlike Earth, which has a dense atmosphere, or the moon, which has no atmosphere at all, Mars has too much atmosphere to allow heavy payloads to land with rockets alone, but too little atmosphere to make parachutes effective at slowing down spacecraft as they approach the ground.

LDSD flight

Members of the media got an up-close look at LDSD flight-test vehicles currently in preparation in the clean room at NASA-JPL on March 31.

As means to fix the problem, NASA on Tuesday showed off the fruits of its Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) program: essentially a combination balloon and flying saucer.

The craft, which is being developed in six- and eight-meter versions, will create friction as it spins, slowing a payload down enough for the 30.5 meter parachute to allow for a reasonable landing. The saucer is also equipped with a rocket to help in the process.

Engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab in California put the saucer on a spin table to ensure it’s balanced properly for flight.

In June, it’ll be launched into near-space from the Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai, Hawaii.

The drag system could be put into practice as early as 2020.

Jonathan behind closed-doors meeting withPDP governors.

President Goodluck Jonathan is currently meeting behind closed-doors with state governors elected on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party.


The governors were led to the Presidential Villa, Abuja, venue of the meeting, by the Chairman of the PDP Governors’ Forum, Governor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State at about 4.40pm.

Other governors in attendance are Emmanuel Uduaghan (Delta); Ibrahim Dankwambo (Gombe); Ramalan Yero (Kaduna); Lyel Imoke (Cross River); Seriake Dickson (Bayelsa); Sullivan Chime (Enugu); Jonah Jang (Plateau); Martin Elechi (Eboyin); and Idris Wada (Kogi),

PDP governors who are not at the meeting included Sule Lamido (Jigawa); Isa Yuguda (Bauchi); Babangida Aliyu (Niger); Gabriel Suswam (Benue); Ibrahim Shema (Katsina); Olusegun Mimiko (Ondo) and Ayo Fayose (Ekiti).

Among the absentees, only Fayose delivered his state for the President during the Saturday’s presidential election.

Acceptance Statement by General Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR

The Die is Cast Acceptance Statement by General Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, President-Elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria April 1st, 2015 I am immensely grateful to God for this day and for this hour. I feel truly honoured and humbled that the Nigerian people have so clearly chosen me to lead them.

The official announcement from INEC was the moment the vast majority of Nigerians had hoped and been waiting for. Today, history has been made, and change has finally come. Your votes have changed our national destiny for the good of all Nigerians .

INEC has announced that I, Muhammadu Buhari, shall be your next president. My team and I shall faithfully serve you. There shall no longer be a ruling party again: APC will be your governing party. We shall faithfully serve you. We shall never rule over the people as if they were subservient to government. Our long night has passed and the daylight of new democratic governance has broken across the land. This therefore is not a victory for one man or even one party. It is a victory for Nigeria and for all Nigerians. Millions of you have worked for this day. So many have risked life and livelihood; and others have died that we may witness this moment. And it is with a very heavy heart that I report many deaths and injuries amidst the jubilations yesterday.

We send our sincere condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives; and wish speedy recovery to those who suffered injuries. I appeal to all our supporters to celebrate this victory with prayers and reflection instead of wild jubilation. May the souls of those who died rest in peace. Let us take a moment of silence to honour all of those whose sacrifices have brought us to this fine and historic hour. As the results of the election have shown, their labor has not been and will never be in vain. Democracy and the rule of law will be re-established in the land. Page 1 Let us put the past, especially the recent past, behind us. We must forget our old battles and past grievances—and learn to forge ahead. I assure you that our government is one that will listen to and embrace all.

I pledge myself and our in-coming administration to just and principled governance. There shall be no bias against or favouritism for any Nigerian based on ethnicity, religion, region, gender or social status. I pledge myself and the government to the rule of law, in which none shall be so above the law that they are not subject to its dictates, and none shall be so below it that they are not availed of its protection. You shall be able to go to bed knowing that you are safe and that your constitutional rights remain in safe hands. You shall be able to voice your opinion without fear of reprisal or victimisation. My love and concern for this nation and what I desire for it extends to all, even to those who do not like us or our politics. You are all my people and I shall treat everyone of you as my own. I shall work for those who voted for me as well as those who voted against me and even for those who did not vote at all. We all live under one name as one nation: we are all Nigerians. Some unfortunate issues about my eligibility have been raised during the campaign.

I wish to state that through devotion to this nation, everything I have learned and done has been to enable me to make the best possible contribution to public life. If I had judged myself incapable of governing I would never have sought to impose myself on it. I have served in various capacities and have always put in my best. But despite the rancour of the elections, I extend a hand of friendship and conciliation to President Jonathan and his team. I hereby wish to state that I harbour no ill will against anyone. Let me state clearly that President Jonathan has nothing to fear from me. Although we may not agree on the methods of governing the nation, he is a great Nigerian and still our president. He deserves our support and permanent respect by virtue of the office he has held. This is how an honourable nation treats its servants and conducts its affairs; and this is how Nigeria should be.

I look forward to meeting with President Jonathan in the days to come to discuss how our teams can make the transition of administrations as efficient as possible. Here, I want to thank my party for selecting me as its candidate. I thank our party leaders and members for the steadfast contributions they made to bring our dream to fruition. I thank INEC, the police and all other government agencies for performing their tasks in a proper manner and for refusing to be induced to undermine the election and the democratic process. I also wish to thank religious Leaders, traditional leaders, the media, labor unions, Civil Society organisations, organised private sector, youths and students for their roles in this election. I give special thanks to President Obama and his timely intervention and support for peaceful and credible elections in Nigeria and for sending Secretary John Kerry and other United States officials.

The European Union – especially the United Kingdom, France, Germany and other nations that were actively involved in ensuring the success of this election are equally appreciated. My sincere thanks to the United Nations Secretary General Mr Ban-Ki Moon. The Commonwealth, China, India and other Asian and Gulf states are also hereby appreciated. Finally our brothers in the African Union and ECOWAS have truly and clearly shown and demonstrate their commitment to our democratisation process. Former Presidents John Kuffour, Amos Sawyer, Bakili Muluzi and his team are well appreciated. I must also add my appreciation for the role played by civil societies, national and International observers, other world leaders in ensuring that Nigeria holds free and fair elections. I assure all foreign governments that Nigeria will become a more forceful and constructive player in the global fight against terrorism and in other matters of collective concern, such as the fight against drugs, climate change, financial fraud, communicable diseases and other issues requiring global response.

I want to assure our fellow African nations that Nigeria will now stand as a more constructive partner in advancing the matters of concern to our continent, particularly with regard to economic development and eradication of poverty. Page 3 Former head of state and president Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, General Yakubu Gowon, Alh. Shehu Shagari, General Ibrahim Babangida, Chief Ernest Shonekan and General Abdulsalami Abubakar deserve commendations for their statesmanship and words of caution and counsel for peace during the tense moments of this electoral period. Most of all, I thank the people of Nigeria for reposing their confidence in me at this trying moment. Our nation wrestles many challenges including insecurity, corruption, economic decline. I pledge to give you my best in tackling these problems. The good people of Nigeria, your obligation does not end with casting your ballot.

I seek your voice and input as we tackle these problems. This will not be a government democratic only in form. It will be a government democratic in substance and in how it interacts with its own people. No doubt, this nation has suffered greatly in the recent past, and its staying power has been tested to its limits by crises, chief among which is insurgency of the Boko Haram. There is no doubt that in tackling the insurgency we have a tough and urgent job to do. But I assure you that Boko Haram will soon know the strength of our collective will and commitment to rid this nation of terror, and bring back peace and normalcy to all the affected areas. We shall spare no effort until we defeat terrorism. Furthermore, we shall strongly battle another form of evil that is even worse than terrorism—the evil of corruption.

Corruption attacks and seeks to destroy our national institutions and character. By misdirecting into selfish hands funds intended for the public purpose, corruption distorts the economy and worsens income inequality. It creates a class of unjustly-enriched people. Such an illegal yet powerful force soon comes to undermine democracy because its conspirators have amassed so much money that they believe they can buy government. We shall end this threat to our economic development and democratic survival. I repeat that corruption will not be tolerated by this administration; and it shall no longer be allowed to stand as if it is a respected monument in this nation. Page 4 I ask you to join me in resolving these and the other challenges we face. Along the way, there will be victories but there may also be setbacks.

Mistakes will be made. But we shall never take you for granted; so, be rest assured that our errors will be those of compassion and commitment not of wilful neglect and indifference. We shall correct that which does not work and improve that which does. We shall not stop, stand or idle. We shall, if necessary crawl, walk and run to do the job you have elected us to do. I realise that the expectation of our people today is as high as their commitment to change has been strong and their belief in us unshaken. While we pledge to begin doing our best without delay, we would like to appeal to them to appreciate the gravity of our situation, so that we become more realistic in our expectations. We will govern for you and in your interests. Your vote was not wasted. This is not the first time Nigerians have cast their votes for us, and this is not the first time they have been counted; but this is the first time that the votes have been allowed to count.

With the help of God, we pledge to do our utmost to bring forth the Nigeria you seek. Thank you for your patience and attention. General Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR President-Elect, Federal Republic of Nigeria

Pics from the smoke incident at MMIA Lagos Today

There was a minor smoke occurrence at the “E” arrival wing of the International terminal of the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos at around 1.13pm today, Wednesday , April first.

The smoke was immediately traced to a few workplaces at the E wing on the ground floor of the terminal by a consolidated group of FAAN’s electrical architects and fire officers. Investigations has started to determine the reason for the flame.

The air terminal authority in an announcement said the traveling public and other air terminal clients were in no impending peril as an aftereffect of the occurrence and neither did it influence flight operations at the terminal.

See more pics bellow.

Buhari’s victory party causes gridlock in Calabar

Supporters of the All Progressives Congress in Cross River State on Wednesday caused gridlock along major roads in Calabar during a victory march to celebrate the emergence of Maj.-Gen. Muhammadu Buhari as president-elect.

colourful_photos_from_the_calabar_festival (128)

The party also seized the medium to assure Cross Riverians that Buhari, would compensate the state over the ceding of Bakassi to Cameroon and loss of 76 oil wells to Akwa Ibom State.  The president-elect had during his electioneering campaign in Calabar promised that his administration would compensate the state if voted into power.

The state chairman of APC, Mr. Usani Usani, said this in Calabar while responding to questions from journalists after the party supporters had embarked on the victory rally.

Vehicular movements were slowed down along the ever-busy Marian Road, where jubilant party faithful took to peaceful march.

The state party chairman also said the APC was ready to receive defectors from the opposition party.

However, speaking on the compensation, Usani said, “The personality of Buhari is one who does what he says. You are all witnesses to when he was a military head of state for less than two years. During this period, he serviced foreign debts and our foreign reserves increased.

“He recorded achievements which remains indelible in the history of this country till date, that is Buhari for you. So, his promises to Cross River are not campaign gimmicks but he will do what he promised.”

The state party chairman said the party’s manifesto was a reference point, adding that the retired general would keep to his promises.

Usani thanked supporters of the APC for conducting themselves in very civilized manners during the campaigns, noting that the party did not record any incident of violence.

“We did not record any ugly incident during all our campaigns, whereas other parties experienced very ugly incidents with some leading to the loss of innocent lives,” he said.

He urged the electorate in Cross River State to vote en masse for the APC in the April 11 governorship and state house of assembly election so as to align with the party at the federal level.

Usani said the party agents had been trained to go back to the wards to canvass for votes from the electorate ahead of the election.

US Navy Joined Saudi fighter jets in Strikes Against Houthi Positions on Monday

US warships joined Saudi fighter jets in the strikes against Houthi rebels in Sanaa on Monday. On March 25, a ten-country coalition led by Saudi Arabia began firing air-to-ground missiles on Houthi positions upon the Hadi’s appeal for help.

SANAA — US warships joined the strikes against the Houthi rebels’ positions in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa on Monday, a military source told Sputnik.

“American ships participated in yesterday’s airstrikes on Sanaa, specifically, they launched a cruise missile on a strengthened missile brigade,” the source said Tuesday.

According to him, the US airstrikes began after a Saudi Arabia-led coalition did not manage to hit the Houthis’ weapons depots.On Monday, the Saudi-led coalition’s jets reportedly targeted a missile site belonging to the Houthis in the southern Sanaa neighborhood of Faj Attan, witnesses of the ammunition explosions told Sputnik.

Yemen is currently an arena of violent clashes between the Houthi rebel group, the country’s main opposition force, and forces loyal to the incumbent president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who has fled the country amid the hostilities.

On March 25, a ten-country coalition led by Saudi Arabia began firing air-to-ground missiles on Houthi positions upon the Hadi’s appeal for help.

The military operation aims to defeat the Houthis, who are supporters of ex-Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, and restore ousted president Hadi’s government to power.


Certificate of Return of President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari.


We'll Pursue Robust, Dynamic Foreign Policy, Says Buhari

The President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari ( rtd) has said his administration will engage in a dynamic and mutually rewarding relationships with foreign countries.

Buhari who was formally declared winner of the 2015 presidential election by the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)  Prof. Attahiru Jega in the early hours of today said in his acceptance speech that President Goodluck Jonathan has exhibited statesmanship by willingly conceding defeat.

Addressing Journalists and party supporters who waited at the party national secretariat in Abuja to receive him till the wee hours of today, the President-elect said he would begin the process of healing the wounds caused by the intense electioneering campaigns by extending a hand of friendship and conciliation across the political divide.

Buhari also promised to extend my hand of fellowship to President Jonathan, adding that he looks  forward to meeting him soon to plan the transition from one administration to another.

“The International press and our friends abroad deserve special commendation for their support throughout the process. We promise a robust and dynamic engagement with your countries in matters of mutual interest to nations.

“At exactly 5:15pm this evening President Jonathan called to congratulate me on my victory. For this I want all Nigerians to join me in congratulating and appreciating Mr President for his statesmanship.

“This was a hard- fought contest. Emotions are high. We must not allow them to get the better of us. This is not the time for confrontation. This is a moment that we must begin to heal the wounds and work toward a better future. We do this first by extending a hand of friendship and conciliation across the political divide. We hope and pray our friends in other parties reciprocate,” he said.

More details later.


Jonathan has nothing to fear – Buhari

Nigeria’s president-elect, Muhammadu Buhari, on Wednesday said he was extending a hand of conciliation to President Goodluck Jonathan after a rancorous presidential election, with an assurance that Mr. Jonathan has “nothing to fear” after losing power.

Mr. Buhari spoke after receiving the Certificate of Return as the president-elect, from the Independent National Electoral Commission.

President Jonathan earned international praise Tuesday after conceding defeat and telephoning Mr. Buhari to congratulate him even before the official announcement of election results by INEC.  In his speech early Wednesday, President Jonathan said he kept his promise of credible and peaceful elections, and reaffirmed his commitment not to plunge the nation into bloodshed over his political ambition.

In what appeared a direct response to the president’s gesture, Mr. Buhari said the nation should put behind the turbulence of electioneering and accept the “change” his party, the All Progressives Congress, APC, promises.

He said he holds no grudge against anyone, including members of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and the president’s team.

“But despite the rancour of the elections, I extend a hand of friendship and conciliation to President Jonathan and his team. I hereby wish to state that I harbour no ill will against anyone,” Mr. Buhari said.”  “Let me state clearly that President Jonathan has nothing to fear from me. Although we may not agree on the methods of governing the nation, he is a great Nigerian and still our president,” he said.

The president-elect said Mr. Jonathan deserves the support and “permanent respect” of all Nigerians by virtue of the office he has held.

“This is how an honourable nation treats its servants and conducts its affairs; and this is how Nigeria should be,” he said, adding that he will meet with the president for both sides to work out a smooth transition.  Mr. Buhari said Nigerians should put the past, especially the recent, behind, but must not forget to learn from “old battles and past grievances—and learn to forge ahead”.

Mr. Buhari said he has also put behind the controversy over his academic eligibility for the election.

“Some unfortunate issues about my eligibility have been raised during the campaign. I wish to state that through devotion to this nation, everything I have learned and done has been to enable me to make the best possible contribution to public life. If I had judged myself incapable of governing I would never have sought to impose myself on it. I have served in various capacities and have always put in my best,” he said.

He said his government will be a listening one and will treat all Nigerians equally. “I pledge myself and our in-coming administration to just and principled governance. There shall be no bias against or favouritism for any Nigerian based on ethnicity, religion, region, gender or social status. I pledge myself and the government to the rule of law, in which none shall be so above the law that they are not subject to its dictates, and none shall be so below it that they are not availed of its protection.

“You shall be able to go to bed knowing that you are safe and that your constitutional rights remain in safe hands. You shall be able to voice your opinion without fear of reprisal or victimisation. My love and concern for this nation and what I desire for it extends to all, even to those who do not like us or our politics.

“You are all my people and I shall treat every one of you as my own. I shall work for those who voted for me as well as those who voted against me and even for those who did not vote at all. We all live under one name as one nation: we are all Nigerians.”

Police shut Ekiti Assembly as APC lawmakers resume

There was tension in Ado Ekiti on Wednesday as the 19 All Progressives Congress lawmakers stormed the Ekiti State House of Assembly to resume legislative duties.   Their return, which, caught workers and the seven Peoples Democratic Party lawmakers loyal to Governor Ayodele Fayose unawares created palpable tension as officials of the Assembly started packing their loads.
Ekiti Assembly

 The return of the lawmakers followed Tuesday’s directive by the State Secretariat of the party asking them to resume legislative duties. But over 100 soldiers and police promptly took over the Assembly to maintain peace while the Commissioner of Police, Taiwo Lakanu, ordered its immediate closure.

The 19 APC lawmakers had been on self-exile since November 20, 2014 when the seven PDP lawmakers impeached the Speaker, Dr. Adewale Omirin and his deputy, Tunji Orisalade.  Mr. Dele Olugbemi, an ally of the governor was installed as the Speaker by the faction and had been presiding over the Assembly.  Those that returned to the Assembly on Wednesday with Omirin include  Orisalade, Mrs. Wunmi Ogunlola, Mr. Ade Ajayi and Gbenga Odebunmi among others.

The Omirin-led lawmakers arrived the Assembly in a convoy of 14 vehicles at around 12 noon and hurriedly went into parliamentary session which started with praise and worship, as well as prayer said by Mr. Folorunso Ogundele, representing Efon constituency.  The session lasted for ten minutes and when the lawmakers emerged from the Assembly and briefed the pressmen, who had patiently been waiting outside.

Omirin, who spoke on behalf of members disclosed that they were in the assembly to begin their legislative duty.  As they emerged from the Assembly, some of them chanted ‘Sai Buhari, Sai Baba’-the political slogan of the President-elect, Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.).

Omirin described Olugbemi as an impostor, saying he has come to take his rightful place.  “Why are you surprised that we are here? I don’t expect you to expect surprise that we are in our offices because we are duly elected as members of the State House of Assembly.

“This is my office and I shouldn’t be asked why I am here. Though we have instituted a case against the seven lawmakers for the fake impeachment against me, but that would not prevent us from doing what we are supposed to do,” Omirin stated.

When asked whether Buhari’s victory prompted their action, Omirin said “No, that is not true. It was just a mere coincidence. Don’t forget, the fact that I am not here since November does not mean I have not been performing my duties. So, whether Buhari is declared or not, we have to do our work.  “I have been attending Speakers’ meetings in Abuja and attending to my people at my constituency, so we haven’t abdicated our duty.”

Efforts made by Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of operations in Ekiti State to pacify APC Lawmakers not to reconvene fell on deaf ears, as the lawmakers engaged him in verbal war and told him that they needed not to take any permission from the police before holding their session.  When the factional speaker, Olugbemi emerged from the Assembly, he criticised the Police Commissioner for closing down the Assembly.

“Mr CP, I don’t think it was right to have closed down the Assembly. We have the capacity to contain the APC lawmakers. We are ready to meet them fire for fire.” But the CP said he took the action to prevent violence in the State, saying the police must be proactive to prevent Ekiti from being plunged into crisis.  Meanwhile, jubilant APC members took over the streets of Ado Ekiti, the state capital to celebrate Buhari’s victory in the Saturday’s Presidential election.

They seized the ever-busy Ado-Ekiti-Akure highway along Ajilosun area as early as 5:30am in defiance to the 7:30 p.m to 6 a.m curfew imposed by the governor before the declaration of the final result. The state Publicity Secretary of APC, Taiwo Olatubosun, had on Tuesday urged the Ekiti people to ignore Fayose’s curfew and celebrate the party’s victory at the presidential poll.

The jubilant crowd, numbering about 1,000 brandished brooms, which is the APC’s symbol while many others used the large sized-posters of Gen. Buhari as garments. Policemen were on the ground to control the traffic and maintain the peace and order. While some were singing and dancing on the highway, others were beating drums and shouting praises of Buhari.

One of them, Mr. Okunola Olumide, said there was no known law in Nigeria that forbids people from rejoicing over legitimate accomplishments such as naming ceremony, promotion as well as winning of elections. Another spokesperson, Mrs. Wuraola Ogunyemi, said mass jubilation over Buhari’s victory was a national exercise, and wondered why the governor would hurriedly impose a curfew.  They also advised the governor to allow the APC legislators perform their constitutional duties or risk another round of impeachment.

“Ordinarily, we do not have problems with Fayose as a governor so as not to see our party as jealous of his profile, as long as he allows our members in the House to perform the functions attached to their offices as representatives of the people and stop serial attacks on our state secretariat and posters.

“Fayose had written those of us in APC off, in the political arrangement of Ekiti State, because he said few days ago that his party, PDP would again win all State Assembly seats in the coming election, we shall see how he will achieve that now,” another supporter said.

How Jonathan lost

IF President Goodluck Jonathan was afraid of the outcome of the just concluded presidential election, he never showed it. Before the election was held, he had started giving conditions on the type of people he wanted to dominate the forthcoming Eighth National Assembly

“I would want you to elect members of the Peoples Democratic Party to the National Assembly so that I can work with people who are not rancorous” – President Goodluck Jonathan told party supporters at one of his numerous presidential rallies.

But like the biblical Moses, Jonathan has failed to lead his party, the Peoples Democratic Party, to his dreamland. His reign has brought to an abrupt end the 16-year uninterrupted reign of the party, whose former National Chairman, Vincent Ogbulafor, had boasted would remain in power for at least 60 years. A senior employee of the party told our correspondent in Abuja on Tuesday that the former party chairman could have probably meant 16 years in his projection.

Though the President didn’t start out to fall by the wayside, some states actually plotted his downfall. Principal among them were the five out of the six states of the South-West. Traditionally, the President, being a southerner was expected to have wormed his way into the hearts of the people of the South-West. This was because when he was being haunted by the then presidential candidate of the defunct Congress for Progressives Change, who was his major challenger in 2011, Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), Jonathan came to seek the backing of the zone. All of the states in the zone obliged him except Osun, where he lost. But in other states like Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Ekiti and Ondo, he won.

However, in 2015, it was a different scenario as only the people of Ekiti State seemed to still remain friendly with the President. With a little margin, he got 176,466 votes as against 120,331 votes of Buhari, the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress. Even in Ondo State, where the President’s party is in charge, the people revolted. In unison, the majority of the people abandoned him for Buhari by giving him 251,368 votes as against 299,889 they collectively gave the former Head of State.

Taking a leaf from the South-West example, some states in the North-Central, which were traditional supporters of the President, also deserted him. Those states include Benue, Kogi and Kwara. A former Governor of Kwara State, Senator Bukola Saraki, was among the members of the PDP, who were hounded out of the party. Saraki threw his hat into the ring and joined forces with the opposition to give a killer blow to his former party and its presidential candidate.

Though the President was able to make a showing in other states from the zone, voters from the North-West were not considerate of Jonathan in their voting. The only zone with seven states witnessed all of them chorusing in harmony and actively participated through their votes in the revolution that sacked Jonathan from Aso Rock. These states are Sokoto, Katsina, Zamfara, Kebbi, Sokoto, Jigawa and Kaduna.

It was also not a rousing outing for the outgoing President in the North-East, where his government has been battling Boko Haram insurgency. Five out of the six zones voted for change and rejected continuity which the President campaigners said he represented. Voters from those states that would prefer President Jonathan to relocate to his Otuoke, Bayelsa State home, instead of spending another four years in office, were those of Yobe, Bauchi, Adamawa, Borno and Gombe. The governors of the zone, who are members of his party and who he regularly referred to as his field commanders, were outrun by the voters with their Permanent Voter Cards, which they willingly used as their weapons. These governors are Isa Yuguda (Bauchi), James Ngilari (Adamawa) and Ibrahim Damkwambo (Gombe). Nevertheless, the President made a remarkable showing in Taraba State. But that was not enough to guarantee his second term ambition. These are the part of history-making states that made President Jonathan the first Nigerian president to lose his re-election bid. A return to Otuoke, therefore, beckons.

The President would however not return alone. He is expected to be accompanied by members of his immediate family led by his wife, Patience, whose stay in Aso Rock has added a wide vocabulary to Nigeria’s political lexicon.

Her many gaffes were said to have drawn more flaks for the President. If this was true, Patience was not bothered. While the President asked his supporters to moderate their speeches and stop hate campaigns, his wife was uncontrollable.

Throwing caution into the winds on many occasions during the PDP women presidential rallies, Patience once described Buhari as “brain dead” and asked Nigerians to reject the retired soldier. Referring to his age, she said it was wrong for such a 72-year-old man to be dragging the office of the President with her husband.

It was obvious that her counsel was not convincing enough to the voters, who in their millions voted for Buhari and rather asked Patience and her husband to vacate the opulent building they moved into since 2007.


Ministers pay solidarity visit to Jonathan

The Presidential Villa, Abuja wore a mournful look in the early hours of Wednesday, the morning after President Goodluck Jonathan lost his re-election bid.

A few workers who had already closed from work as of  the time the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Prof. Attahiru Jega, named Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.) of the All Progressives Congress the President-elect, were seen discussing the development in hush tones.

The weekly Federal Executive Council meeting did not hold.

But some members of FEC, mostly ministers, gathered at the President’s office later in the day to pay a solidarity visit.

Some of the ministers who met with the President were the Attorney-General of the Federation, Mr. Mohammed Adoke (SAN); Minister of State II, Foreign Affairs, Senator Musiliu Obanikoro; Minister of Interior, Mr. Abba Moro; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Aminu Wali; and Minister of National Planning Suleiman Abubakar.

Some female ministers also gathered and visited the President in group.

They included the Minister of Women Affairs, Zainab Maina; Minister of Communication Technology, Omobola Johnson; Minister of Water Resources, Sarah Ochekpe; Minister of Environment, Laraba Mallam; Minister Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Akon Eyakenyi.

One of the ministers who pleaded anonymity told our correspondent that they used the opportunity of the visit to encourage the President and commend him for his achievements.

The government official expressed the optimism that Jonathan might win the Nobel Peace Prize for ensuring that the nation remains peaceful after conducting a free, fair and credible election.

It will be recalled that some ministers and governors had on Tuesday evening visited the President.

Among the early callers were Governor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State; Governor Jonah Jang of Plateau State; Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State and former Minister of Labour and Productivity, Mr. Emeka Wogu.

Obama hails President-Elect Buhari, Jonathan !

United States President,Barrack Obama, on Wednesday, praised President Goodluck Jonathan and the President-choose, Maj.Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd), for their open duties to peacefulness amid their battles.

Obama, in a proclamation said President Jonathan put Nigeria’s hobbies first by surrendering thrashing while complimenting Buhari on his triumph.

“I look forward to working with President Jonathan throughout the remainder of his term, and I thank him for his many years of service and his statesmanlike conduct at this critical juncture.  I urge President-elect Buhari and President Jonathan to repeat their calls to their supporters to continue to respect the election outcomes, focus on unifying the country, and together lead Nigeria through a peaceful transition,”Obama stated.

The statement read, “I commend INEC for its extensive efforts to increase the credibility and transparency of the electoral process.

Looking ahead to the governorship elections on April 11, it is imperative that national attention turn to ensuring isolated logistical challenges are overcome and peace is protected, even in the most hotly contested races.

” On behalf of the American people, I extend congratulations to the people of Nigeria and to President-Elect Buhari and look forward to continuing to work with the newly-elected government on our many
shared priorities.”

President-elect, Buhari receives certificate of return from INEC.


Details later !

Ijaw council urges youths to avoid violence

The President of the umbrella body of all Ijaw youths in the country, the Ijaw Youth Council,  Mr. Udengs Eradiri,  has called on all Ijaw youths across the country to avoid all acts of violence, destructions and protests as a fall of last Saturday’s Presidential election, won by Gen. Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress.

Eradiri also congratulated Buhari on his electoral victory and said that Ijaw youths would key into his administration just the same way youths from other ethnic nationalities from other parts of the country supported the Jonathan Administration.

FFK begs Nigerians to cooperate with Buhari

A previous Minister of Aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, has asked Nigerians to coordinate with the President-elect, Maj.Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.)

He said this at a press briefing in Abuja on Wednesday while talking on the result of the Presidential decision which the decision party, the Peoples Democratic Party and its applicant, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan lost.

Buhari who was the applicant of the All Progressives Congress, won the decision. Fani-Kayode talked with writers in his capacity as the Director of Media and Publicity of the PDP Presidential Campaign Organization.

Dawn of a new General

General Muhammadu Buhari rides on doggedness and integrity to become Nigeria’s new President, AKEEM LASISI writes

In many circumstances, any mortal above 70 years of age is seen, at best, as a symbol or agent of history. He is not the first person you want to consider when you are looking for an agent of change.

But, at 72, Daura, Katsina State-born retired General, Muhammadu Buhari, has upturned that philosophy. On Tuesday, he emerged winner of Nigeria’s most keenly-contested presidential election, thus making him the first person to sack a sitting President in Nigeria. With this, Buhari appears to have completed the process of his professed conversion from a dictator to a democrat.

Orubebe apologizes for his behaviour yesterday, says he regrets it

Previous Niger Delta Affairs Minister Elder Godsday Orubebe has apologized for his conduct at the gathering center in Abuja yesterday morning.

Talking with correspondents the previous evening, the PDP party specialists, who held up processes and utilized injurious words on Jega, said he lamented his activity and asked Nigerian to overlook his conduct.

Dangote Cement proposes ₦6 dividend

Dangote Cement Plc has proposed a dividend of N6 per share for the financial year ended December 31, 2014.

The dividend proposal is expected to be presented to the company’s shareholders for approval at its Annual General Meeting, which is scheduled to take place on April 29.

According to the company, the closure date of the dividend is April 20, while the payment date is the day after the AGM, which is scheduled to take place in Lagos.

The dividend was proposed following a year in which the company reported a profit after tax of N159.5bn.

The cement giant had ended 2014 with revenue of N392bn, compared with the N386bn revenue it generated in 2013.

Its administrative expenses, however, rose from N25.9bn to N274bn, while sales/distribution expenses increased from 35.6bn to N37.4bn and finance cost jumped from N13.7bn to N32.9bn.

Consequently, profit was N184.7bn for 2014, compared with N191bn the previous year, while its profit after tax declined from N201bn to N159.5bn.

The dividend payment proposed by the company’s Board of Directors, translates to a dividend yield of 3.9 per cent and a payout ratio of 63.5 per cent.

The Executive Director, Dangote Cement, Mr. Devakumar Edwin, was quoted as saying that the dividend was proposed after the company overcame challenges in its operating environment.

He said, “Despite the challenging conditions of the erratic fuel supply and prolonged rainy season that affected revenues and profitability in Nigeria, the fact that we have increased our dividend payout ratio is a clear sign of confidence in our future.”

The dividend payout ratio increased from 59.1 per cent to 63.7 per cent.

Meanwhile, the company had said that its expansion in Africa is underway with plants opening in South Africa and Senegal, Cameroon recently operational and plants readying for production in Zambia and Ethiopia.

Edwin was quoted as saying of the expansion, “We commissioned nine million tons of new capacity at our Obajana and Ibese plants and this puts them amongst the biggest cement plants in the world.

“Outside Nigeria, we opened up new factories in South Africa and Senegal in 2014 and our grinding plant in Cameroon has just become operational.

“We have started commissioning our plants in Zambia and Ethiopia and are on track to open more factories in Africa in the coming years. The success of our expansion is evidence that we are delivering on our strategy to become e a much larger, more international company.”

Focus on challenges ahead, EU protectorate tells Buhari

The European Union and France have congratulated the President-elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and challenged him to focus on the challenges and opportunities ahead.


The High Representative and EU Vice-President, Federica Mogherini in a statement on Wednesday on the presidential elections in Nigeria, thanked President Goodluck Jonathan for his great contribution to building the country and to consolidating its democracy over the past five years.

The VP said the EU looks forward to working with Buhari and his government in the future.

She acknowledged the candidates that have conceded defeat gracefully and urged those  who wish to contest the results to do so through the appropriate procedures.

Mogherini said the EU Election Monitoring Mission would remain to monitor the governorship elections on April, 11  “which it is hoped will be conducted in the same peaceful and democratic spirit.”

She said, “Nigerians can now look forward to focusing on the many challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of the country. The European Union has been a close partner for Nigeria over the past 50 years, and will continue to support its development and to share its values in promoting peace, prosperity and democracy on the continent and in the world.”

President of the Republic of France, Francois Hollande, who  also congratulated Muhammadu Buhari on his election as President of Nigeria, welcomed the commitment of Nigerians and the quality of work of the Independent National Electoral Commission.

A statement from the French Embassy  in Abuja on Wednesday , said that Hollande would speak with  Buhari on Thursday, adding that the French government intends to establish with him the trustful relations it had with President  Jonathan.

Meanwhile, the Head of ECOWAS Election Observation Mission, former Ghanaian President John Kufuor and his colleagues from the African Union and the Commonwealth have congratulated Nigeria’s National Peace Committee for its work.

They called on Nigerians to carry through the entire electoral process the maturity and discipline displayed during the presidential and federal legislative elections.