Thursday, May 11, 2017

French Revolution, Take II: “Après Soi, Le Déluge”

by Ghassan Kadi
The weak and selfish French monarch Louis the XV is perhaps best known for his famous/infamous quote; “Après moi, le déluge” (after me, the flood).
The weak and selfish monarch was at least wise enough to realize that during the time of his reign, the people of France had had enough of the ruthless yoke of absolute monarchy that his predecessor, Louis the XIV, epitomized in the worst manner possible.
Louis did not only have a premonition about a cataclysmic event that was about to hit France, but he also knew that there was precious little that he could do in an attempt to avert it, so he decided to savour his privileges whilst he could, because his premonition also told him that he could, and that it was his successor who had to bear the brunt.
The rest is history.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

What Fake Agencies Do To African Women - for educational purpose only

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Man Gets Glued To His Best Friends Wife

Man Gets Glued To His Best Friends Wife While Seriously Hammering Her From The Back. Any idea what causes this ?

Monday, April 17, 2017

NY Times: France can only choose between globalization and racism?

by Ramin Mazaheri
So there I was again, on an airplane from San Francisco to New York – the “job creators’ red-eye” – and I had plenty of time to read the New York Times’ Roger Cohen cover the French presidential election in an extended Sunday Review format.
Joy of joys! Our “paper of record” has sent Cohen back to cover his old beat for the election. Get ready for some enlightening, edifying, inspirational analysis! Light to the masses from the best of the best – commence!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Western roots of “Middle-Eastern” terrorism

By Amir NOUR[1]

Convinced that terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes, is unacceptable and unjustifiable, member States of the United Nations were finally able to adopt, on September 8, 2006, a common approach within the framework of the “United Nations global counter-terrorism strategy ». But, ten years later, the “international community” has yet to agree on a consensus definition of the common enemy, which continues to grow and expand, thus inflicting devastation and untold misery, mainly to the States and the peoples of the Arab and Muslim world.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How the Kiev regime’s war on Donbass broke geopolitics by Scott Humor

The liberal think tank Stratfor has stated what we already knew: “Kiev could have incited the violence to draw attention to the conflict and rally international support for continued sanctions on Moscow.
And that’s where the Kiev regime finds no understanding among the European national businesses.
On the supra-national level everything is business-as-usual: In January in Ukraine, senators McCain and Graham visited front line troops and spent the night with them alongside Ukraine’s president Poroshenko in their barracks.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Al-qaeda Captures 3 Yemeni Towns After Us Raid

Al-Qaeda terrorists managed to seize three southern Yemeni towns, just a few days after the raid of the US Special Forces in Yemen.

The Al-Qaeda terrorist organization has captured three towns in the south of Yemen just a few days after the raid of the US Special Forces in Qifah district of the Yemeni province of Bayda, during which 16 civilians were killed.