Friday, December 26, 2014

"Pres. GEJ's declaration on 11-11-2014 has occultic significance" - Chris Okotie

“President Jonathan’s declaration on 11-11-2014 has occultic significance” – Chris Okotie

Haha. Which one is occultic significance ? As per Okotie, President Jonathan’s Presidential declation on November 11 2014 at the Eagle squares has occultic noteworthiness.

gej gej_okotie

He says the number, 11,  is a consecrated number in the occultic world and that it shows a pacification of the forces of obscurity to support the supplicant. He said this and a lot more in a piece titled “2015 and our crony democracy” posted on his facebook wall.

Read the full text when you continue bellow.

"Pres. GEJ's declaration on 11-11-2014 has occultic significance" - Chris Okotie

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