US Hastening Dollar's Demise by Bullying Russia, China - Ron Paul
By bullying Russia and vexing China, the US is hastening the demise of the dollar's hegemony, Dr. Ron Paul underscores, adding that Moscow's patience is not infinite.
United States is desperately trying to maintain its role as a global
hegemon in the unipolar world, hoping that it will continue dictating
foreign policy and shaping monetary system, while its "clients" will
"dutifully carry out instructions," former Republican congressman and
two-time US presidential candidate Ron Paul emphasizes.
Remarkably, the existence of a country that refuses to bow to Washington's demands is viewed by the US as an "unforgivable sin."
In order to restrain Moscow the Obama administration is toughening
economic sanctions against Russia. Meanwhile Washington's Western allies
have even gone so far as to freeze Russian state assets in their
countries, provoking justified anger from the Russian government.
"For decades, the United States has benefited as the creator and defender of the world's reserve currency, the dollar. This has enabled Americans to live beyond their means as foreign goods are imported to the US while increasingly-worthless dollars are sent abroad. But is it any wonder after 70-plus years of a depreciating dollar that the rest of the world is rebelling against this massive transfer of wealth?" the former congressman asked.
to Ron Paul, Moscow and Beijing pose a substantial threat to the dollar
domination, since they have the opportunity and the motivation
to establish "a gold-backed" monetary system, that would obviously
undermine the dollar's positions.
Russia's patience is not endless, Dr. Paul warns. By bullying Russia
and vexing China Washington may cut its own throat, hastening the
collapse of the present world order based on the Bretton Woods monetary
"With the IMF's recent statement pledging its
full and unconditional support to Ukraine, it has become even more clear
that the IMF and other major multilateral institutions are not blindly
technical organizations, but rather are totally subservient lackeys
to the foreign policy agenda emanating from Washington," Dr. Ron Paul
However, although Washington has surrounded itself with its
complaisant allies, the first cracks are beginning to appear in the
present world order.
"The existence of Russia and China is a stark
reminder" of the fact that the world is not unipolar, and it irritates
Washington a lot. The US leadership behaves "like a petulant child
flying into a tantrum," when Russia steps in to protect its own national
"For decades, the United States has benefited as the creator and defender of the world's reserve currency, the dollar. This has enabled Americans to live beyond their means as foreign goods are imported to the US while increasingly-worthless dollars are sent abroad. But is it any wonder after 70-plus years of a depreciating dollar that the rest of the world is rebelling against this massive transfer of wealth?" the former congressman asked.
"The end result of this needless bullying
by the United States will hasten the one thing Washington fears the
most: a world monetary system in which the US has no say and the dollar
is relegated to playing second fiddle," the former congressman warned.
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