Monday, December 21, 2015

5 of Top 5 Signs Your hubby Doesn’t Love You Anymore (Work)

5. He doesn’t work at the relationship

You ask him to change an annoying behavior and he continues to do it. You ask over and over again, and he pretends not to hear. You ask him something and he doesn’t respond. It’s always you who gives, who sacrifices herself for the relationship. You feel sick and tired, and he seems not to care. This could be the most obvious sign of a lack of love.

When we love someone it is difficult to see their mistakes, and we can fall into the trap of justifying everything they do rather than facing reality. It is very common for a woman to see this behavior in another woman’s husband instead of seeing it in her own.
Signs of true love appear on a daily basis. You know your husband loves you if he makes you a priority, takes care of you, and encourages you.
When he doesn’t do these things, the love could be gone. It is up to you — however painful it may be — to accept it, take care of yourself and decide what you will do after that.
This article has been translated and adapted from the original article: 5 sinais de que seu marido não lhe ama mais.


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