Saturday, December 27, 2014

My Religion is this, yours is that! What is wrong with us ?

I am not going to mention anyone’s name but those guilty know themselves, and I am directing this at some Nigerians.

Whenever it is time for some people to celebrate their religious festivals, some other Nigerians take to their social media timelines and start writing all sorts of nonsense and rubbish so incredible that you actually wonder where they manufacture them from, even if it is not their religion that they are celebrating and no one is forcing anybody to celebrate.

When will some Nigerians ever grow up and behave like adults even if it is for once? Ehn? If you are of religion A and those in religion B are celebrating, how is it your business so much so that you actually take to your timeline to write clearly hateful, intolerant and insulting messages? Can’t you just respect people and their beliefs even if they are totally opposite yours? Is anyone putting a gun on your head to join their festivities? In my house, I am the only person who believes that there is nothing like witchcraft, even my own family thinks I am just deceiving myself that I don’t know anything ni or it’s too much food…lol!

but they know my mind is made up and there is no witch anywhere as far as I am concerned, they also believe otherwise and have also made up their mind that there is aye….lol! We talk about it and laugh over it. No one breaks anyone’s heads. They respect my views and I respect theirs and we share ideas all the time. But for crying out loud, why do some Nigerians just like looking for trouble? Your religion is the best, right? Okay, good luck and congratulations to you. Keep it to yourself. If you want to join in the celebrations with others, good. If you don’t want to, fine, no one will hang you for that and no one begged you for money for them to celebrate so what is your wahala. It is just disgusting and disrespectful of you to be mocking and insulting other people’s faiths, and rubbing it in their eyes on the very days that they cherish, and you cannot take the same thing if done to you. And to make matters worse, it does not say well of you or your faith.

It is actually COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. All humans should stick to the Golden Rule. What you will not accept, do not do it to others. All of you guilty, you know yourselves. Change and always mind your business. You are not holier than anyone. All humans are flawed. Live with it.


My Religion is this, yours is that! What is wrong with us ?

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