Saturday, December 27, 2014

The president of a Nation of almost 200 million !

If the president of a nation of almost 200 million souls is using 12 planes and his people do not have one single world-class hospital, and I call him out for that, and you call me all sorts of names, please call me whatever, that is actually your own headache. Call me names, not my business.

There is no basis for any fairness or you telling me to be balanced, thunder fire balanced, because the leader himself is not even fair to the people. As if armed robbers are merciful to the robbed. Tell your leaders to be balanced and just in dealing with the people first. This is a classic asymmetrical warfare and the people are on the losing end.

I am not a journalist so those shouting professionalism bla bla are just wasting their time. Na me send myself job although I know some people find that difficult to believe because once you attack the government they believe you must be paid, but again, that is not my business if they want to revel in their childish fantasies and infantile imaginations. I have nothing to prove to you, you take it or you leave it. Time will tell. I claim no perfection but I will always say it as I see it so that is why I have no problems when you say it as you see it too, just use common sense as your mental compass. The good thing about life is that we do not see things as they are, we see things as WE ARE.

When we see evil, we must speak out. You don’t have to be paid for that, all you need is a functional brain and a good sense of judgment. It is morally reprehensible that there is no single dedicated hospital for even kids (Nigeria does not have one single government paediatric center or national neonatal center, not even ONE) and the president is spending billions on jets. So those calling me names, I am not even bothered, I have been called everything, from Satanist to antichrist to antiIslam to you just name it…lol, I have been called everything although my name simply remains Abiyamo! I am not worried and I am not bothered. I am only amused that some Nigerians will rather buy jets than take care of their sick kids and pregnant women. So what is the definition of stupidity? In the picture, you are looking at the labour room of a government hospital, the Yusuf Dantsoho Memorial Hospital, Tundun Wada, Kaduna State, the woman taken there to deliver there sef….and it is this same state the governor spent N10billion on a government house that the president recently commissioned.

If you see nothing wrong in that or all you can see is APC vs PDP or someone is sponsoring someone and not a maternity room killing pregnant women, then you need advanced neuroimaging at any of the royal military hospitals in Saudi Arabia. We have been so battered that we cannot even think straight anymore, just in black and white, PDP and APC, if anyone is blasting one, he/she must be paid by the other, such foolish thinking. My message is same and constant: Nigerians deserve and must get the very best and we will not beg for that. You cannot be earning the fattest salaries on earth for doing nothing. If you don’t talk, I will talk. There is only one life to live and don’t die twice. Only cowards die a million times before their death. Period.

Abiyamo !

The president of a Nation of almost 200 million !

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