Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The appeasing of Eyemonja the gods of river !

The appeasing of eyemonja the gods of river has been proven in yoruba spirituality and cosmogony has been tested and prove from time immemorial to bring wealthand blessings.

And blessings of children. When you are talking children in eyemonja perspective it connote weath beauty and blessings , musical talent and art crafts. Innovative ideas especially technology can be located at the river bed, olodumare willingly in his infinite mercy endowed eyemonja with all these. All can be extract for use. That’s why babalawos do instrut some of their clients to appease osun or eyemonja. Especially those that their nature is water, when after ifa divination eyemonja is the adimu that orunmila accept. Babalawo can appease eyemonja can be appease with the following items :igbin snail , pepeye duck, obe egunsi ati igba melon soup with garden eggs, obi ifin white kola nut, obi pupa red kola nut, olodumare bless us, ase niti eledumare, aboruboye.

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