Thursday, July 23, 2015

Texas Prosecutor: Activist Sandra Bland Autopsy Shows Death Consistent With Suicide

The prosecutor in the Sandra Bland case told reporters Thursday an investigation has found no injuries consistent with violent homicide, but that there are some consistent with suicide.

New developments in the case also include marijuana found in Bland's system believed to have been smoked or consumed prior to her arrest, authorites claim, and discrepancies in her jail screenings regarding answers to her mental health evaluation questions.
Activist Sandra Bland was arrested on July 10 after a routine traffic stop over a lane change with no turn signal. She was found three days later hanging in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas. Her family and friends have disputed the suicide claim by Texas police.

Waller County prosecutor Warren Diepraam stated in a press conference that the autopsy showed Bland had no defensive injuries on her hands that would indicate a violent struggle, but that the marks around her neck are consistent with what you would see from a hanging suicide.

"There is nothing about this case is standard… we just want to be open," Diepraam stated.
He continued on to say that lacerations or abrasions were found on her wrists, which are consistent with a struggle during her arrest while being handcuffed.

"This is not TV where we submit evidence and get an instant result," Diepraam answered when questioned on if there were other fingerprints found on the bag.

Diepraam has stated that they will not be seeking to return her body to Texas for a second autopsy.

Her funeral is scheduled for Saturday.

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