Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Thought Provoking Analysis On Non Traditional Religion - by Chukwuka Igbomor

Hello everyone, Whilst recovering from a hangover I decided to scroll through Facebook and found this interesting piece by Chukwuka Igbomor.

-Thanks for this great documentary Nigeria used to be a great nation with its different regions until the Europeans came and robbed us Unclad they used RELIGION to kill our spirituality by giving us a fasle white god called Jesus and they used politics to posses our teritory, and today Nigeria is like a nonetity of a nation.

While they use bad leaders who are sellouts and traitors to steal our resources and put us in darkness so that we will forever be dependent on them and their false teachings and ideologies... we Africans are so used to folding our hands and looking while our heads are beign cut off. most of us are content with foolishness, a lot of weak and ignorant minds who prefer to live in slavery than to die for freedom, we need brave hearts to stand up against foolishness and speak against this evil that is beign perpetuated in our own soil. We need to curb out this mentality of suffer suffer for world to enjoy for imaginery heaven. Our people accept suffering on earth thinking they will enjoy in heaven. Also we need to curb out this turn the other cheek mentality. Which Europeans used to rob us Unclad. We need to push out the evil African leaders who are in position of power only to sell us out to foreigners for their own selfish individual gains. 

It can only be done by Us Africans standing up for the truth and against bad leadership and oppression. Education is the key to unlocking the doors to greatness like we once was the greatest nation on the planet now we are beign reduced to foolish people who sit and look while everything around us is in disarray. Our people have lost the ability to think critically for when u can believe snake spoke to eve and gave her apple to eat and give adam, once you can believe this fable as truth u can never be able to think critically and reasonably. They use such stories to see how gullible we can be so when they do their evil deeds we cant even reason to see its wrong

When we are still calling Abraham, isaac and jacob our ancestors how can we have sense.
The problem with the African people who refuse to see reality of their situation cos their brains have been conditioned to accept suffering as normal, evil as normal and thus the Evil men of the world are having a laugh feeding on the ignorance of our people.-

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